• Collocation Checker

    The collocation checker is designed to help learners correct inadequate V+N collocation usages. We aim to help language learners gain awareness of collocation usages and internalize this knowledge in their future learning.

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  • Clozer

    Clozer, is an online testing system that can automatically generate test item for collocations. Learners, who master collocation usages, are expected to choose the right collocation fitting in the context without being misled by the other distracting choices.

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  • Collocation Insepctor

    Collocation Inspector is now released as a beta version. This system aims at providing writing assistantship in academic writing. We will let users polish their writing through our contextual style collocation suggestor.

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Please continue to use the web service http://miscollocation.appspot.com. And let me know anytime if you encounter an issue. Thanks!

Due to some issue with Google app engine, the original service is down. Please refer to the alternative site at this moment. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Nowadays, it is getting more difficult to find the free host for the python/django project. We recently changed to PythonAnywhere, but they discontinued to support us since last week due to our project size is more than 500 MB. Luckily, we found out that OpenShift is a good fit for our project and can keep the hosting still free for our users. Great thanks for OpenShift. Because of them, we can continue to provide free language learning service to all our users!

(Copyright of picture belongs to OpenShift)

Sorry for the incovenience.
Our websever was down for a while.

Now it is back to life again!
We also added a backup site. Next time, please refer to it meanwhile the original service is down.
Thank you for your patience. :-)

We provide two experimental services for vocabulary testing. We aim at helping learners to be familiar with some English standard tests, like TOEFL and TOEIC. These services will start from the vocabulary part. Your comments are of course welcome!

We used to host Clozer in our personal desktop, and inevitably suffered from the down time often. With the help of djangozoom, we greatly increase the stability in Clozer now. Currently with fair amount of usage, its hosting service will be still free. Also our service will also be free to use.  Hope you will enjoy it!

The new Clozer URL  http://clozer.djangozoom.com

We have slightly redesigned our website. All the demo systems have been moved to the bar on the left-hand side. In the future, we will have more systems listed here. Please feel free to give us comments or suggestions about our website. Thanks!