• Collocation Checker

    The collocation checker is designed to help learners correct inadequate V+N collocation usages. We aim to help language learners gain awareness of collocation usages and internalize this knowledge in their future learning.

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  • Clozer

    Clozer, is an online testing system that can automatically generate test item for collocations. Learners, who master collocation usages, are expected to choose the right collocation fitting in the context without being misled by the other distracting choices.

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  • Collocation Insepctor

    Collocation Inspector is now released as a beta version. This system aims at providing writing assistantship in academic writing. We will let users polish their writing through our contextual style collocation suggestor.

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Collocation Checker [link]

The collocation checker is designed to help learners correct inadequate V+N collocation usages in essays. It exploits a bilingual dictionary and the BNC collocation list to map back the correct counterpart for a given misuse. We aim to help language learners gain awareness of collocation usages and  internalize this knowledge in their future learning. 

Clozer [link]

Clozer, is an online testing system that can automatically generate test item for collocations. The proposed method involves automatically indentifying collocations within texts, blanking out these collocates, and generating the corresponding reliable distractors (as shown in the figure). The most challengeable task is how to generate the suitable distractors that can effectively and reliably differentiate the proficiency of test takers. Learners, who master collocation usages, are expected to choose the right collocation fitting in the context without being misled by the other distracting choices.

Collocation Inspector [link]

Collocation Inspector is now released as a beta version. This system aims at providing writing assistantship in academic writing. We will let users polish their writing through our contextual style collocation suggester. The suggestions involve corrections as well as alternatives (shown in red and green respectively). Corrections provide users with the more appropriate suggestions on a given inadequate usage. Alternatives refer to more word choices for a given correct expression.